Making my Panetela Caribe for tomorrow's New Year's party. Recipe that has been in our family for decades. Originated in Puerto Rico.
1 Pound Cake or Angel Cake. I prefer Pound Cake but Angel Cake works in a pinch.
2 cans evaporated milk
8 Egg Yolks
2 cups sugar
1/2 teas cream of tartar
Dark Rum - I like to use Bacardi but any dark rum will do.
Slice the Pound Cake into 1/2 - 1/4 inch slices and line the bottom of your cake pan. Yields 2 square cake pans.
In a container whisk well egg yolks, sugar &; evaporated milk.
Pour into a pan on burner at low fire or heat. Stir constantly until it is thick.
Remove from heat &; allow to cool for a few minutes.
Add rum (2-4 cap fulls) or lemon juice.
Pour on top of the pound cake slices.
Heat oven 350 degrees.
With a hand held mixer, beat egg whites, add cream of tartar, continue beating on high speed until it starts turning into meringue.
Add 1 cup sugar slowly. Keep beating until mixed well &; peaks.
Pour on top of the cream.
Spread carefully and evenly.
Sprinkle nonpareils.
Place in heated oven for about 10 minutes or until golden.
My little mixer, the vintage Dormeyer 9500.
The first mixer in 1954 with 9 speeds!
It has a crazy strong motor that stood the test of time.
Made in the U.S.A.
No plastic cheap parts here.

And to all who will be on the road
Tipsy Tow offered by AAA to folks across the country: You don't have to be a AAA member, from 6pm-6am on New Year's Eve/Day, they will take your drunk self and your car home for FREE. Save this number... 1-800-222-4357 . Feel free to pass this on to your loved ones.